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     White Papers




Space Resources Roundtable XIX /
Planetary & Terrestrial Mining
Sciences Symposium

Proceedings of joint SRR XI / PTMS


The ninth joint meeting of the Space Resources Roundtable and the Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium in collaboration with the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) and sponsored by Advanced Space and Honeybee Robotics was held at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado on June 12-14, 2018. The meeting was followed by the Lunar Polar Prospecting Workshop (LPPW) during June 14-15, 2018, which was sponsored by the SRR, the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG), and United Launch Alliance (ULA).

Abstracts and Presentations made available from the SRR conference may be viewed through the download links provided here.

Presentations and Final Report from the Lunar Polar Prospecting Workshop may be viewed through the download links provided here.

Pictures of Technical and Poster Sessions, Wednesday Banquet, and Workshop Sessions, Teams, and Thursday Reception are available below.

Proceedings (Abstracts and Presentations)


Angel Abbud-Madrid, Colorado School of Mines
The Status of Space Resources, Future Opportunities, and Highlights of the 9th Joint SRR-PTMSS Meeting
Documents   zip file download  41.3 mb

Technical Session 1 - Latest Developments in Space Resources

Diane Linne, NASA Glenn Research Center
Current Activities in the Advanced Exploration Systems ISRU Technology Project
Documents   zip file download  21.8 mb

Larry Meinert, United States Geological Survey
What Can We Learn from Centuries of Exploration, Mining, and Assessment on Earth to Better Utilize the Rest of the Solar System?
Documents   zip file download  15.8 mb

Ron Turner, NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts
NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts Program Explores ISRU concepts
Documents   zip file download  55.9 mb

Don Barker, MAXD, Inc.
Towards the Development of a Planetary Resource Management System: Understanding the Why
Documents   zip file download  4.5 mb

Bob Lamboray, Ministry of the Economy, Luxembourg
Building a Space Development Industry in Luxembourg
Documents   zip file download  2.8 mb

Technical Session 2 - Economics, Business, and Policy

Bernard Kutter, United Launch Alliance
Transportation and Propellant Resources in the Cislunar Economy
Documents   zip file download  15.1 mb

George Sowers, Colorado School of Mines
A Business Case for Mining Propellant on the Moon
Documents   zip file download  7.0 mb

Doug Plata, The Space Development Network
Five Phases of Technical and Financial Lunar Development
Documents   zip file download  23.0 mb

Brad Blair, NewSpace Analytics
Modeling Lunar Partnerships for the NASA Emerging Space Office
Documents   zip file download  12.7 mb

Eric Ward, Aten Engineering
Framework for Valuation of Asteroid Mining Options, Incorporating Strategic Knowledge Gaps, Market Demand and Temporal Dependencies of in Space Resource Availability
Documents   zip file download  9.0 mb

Jeff Greenblatt, Emerging Futures, LLC
Space Commodity Trading on the Moon and with Other Solar System Locations
Documents   zip file download  5.5 mb

Ian Lange, Colorado School of Mines
How Space Mining Missions will Disrupt Mineral Markets and Contracts
Documents   zip file download  1.0 mb

Ian Christensen, Secure World Foundation
Policy Building Blocks for Space Resources Development
Documents   zip file download  2.8 mb

Technical Session 3 - Individual Poster Presentations (Short Talks)

Gordon Wasilewski, Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
A Case for Extraterrestrial Water Reserves and Resources
Documents   zip file download  2.6 mb

Ruby Patterson, Southwest Research Institute
Using CT Scanning to Examine Lunar Regolith Porosity as a Function of Grain Shape and Depth
Documents   zip file download  13.1 mb

Niklas Anthony, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden
Cubesat-Minimoon Rendezvous Mission Synthesis and Analysis
Documents   zip file download  12.2 mb

Aaron Olson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Modeling of JSC-1A Lunar Simulant Flow and Heat Transfer in the Helium Extraction & Acquisition Testbed
Documents   zip file download  44.0 mb

Nicholas Proctor, Colorado School of Mines
Economic Feasibility of Space Solar Power in Remote Mining Operations
Documents   zip file download  1.0 mb

Nicholas Campbell, University of Colorado, Boulder
Increasing Lunar Propellant Delivery Capability with ACES Aerobraking
Documents   zip file download  1.0 mb

Hiroyuki II, Wakayama University, Japan
Simulated Lunar High Land Rocks Using Japanese Igneous Rocks
Documents   zip file download  2.7 mb

Andrew Brewer, Blueshift, LLC
Concentrated Solar Energy for Manufacturing in Space
Documents   zip file download  41.3 mb

Diego Urbina, Space Applications Services NV/SA, Belgium
Robotic Prototypes for 3D printing with Lunar Regolith and Sunlight Developed in the RegoLight Project
Documents   zip file download  5.2 mb

Hiroshi Kanamori, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Production of Gravel from Lunar Soil Simulant by Rapid Microwave Sintering
Documents   zip file download  16.5 mb

Technical Session 4 - Space Manufacturing and Processing Technologies

Sherry Schmidt, Deltion Innovations, Ltd., Canada
Percussive Rotary Multi-Purpose Tool (PROMPT)
Documents   zip file download  3.2 mb

Mark Berggren, Pioneer Astronautics
Extraterrestrial Metals Processing
Documents   zip file download  21.0 mb

Gary Calnan, CisLunar Industries
Cislunar Industries(TM) Space Foundry(TM): Recycling Space Debris into Refined Materials for In-Space Use
Documents   zip file download  90.5 mb

Evgeny Shafirovich, University of Texas at El Paso
Self-Propagating Chemical Reactions for Making Materials and Structures from Lunar and Martian Regolith
Documents   zip file download  22.8 mb

Gareth Morris, Colorado School of Mines
Foam Structures for Encapsulating Regolith in Additive Manufacturing Applications
Documents   zip file download  6.7 mb

Technical Session 5 - Mars Resources

Richard Davis, NASA Headquarters
Looking Ahead: Reconnaissance for Mars
Documents   zip file download  15.0 mb

Julie Kleinhenz, NASA Glenn Research Center
Mars Sample Return Objectives Relevant to Future In-Situ Resource Utilization
Documents   zip file download  5.0 mb

David Beaty, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Informing the Selection of the First Human Landing Site on Mars: An Overview of NASA Mars Water Mapping Projects
Documents   zip file download  38.8 mb

Colin Dundas, United States Geological Survey
Martian Ice as a Resource for Exploration: Current Knowledge and Recent Results
Documents   zip file download  67.9 mb

Nathaniel Putzig, Planetary Science Institute
Orbital Radar Assessments of Non-Polar Ice-Rich Terrains on Mars
Documents   zip file download  76.0 mb

David Dickson, Georgia Institute of Technology
Mars Pathfinder ISRU Modeling and Simulation
Documents   zip file download  7.5 mb

Julie Kleinhenz, NASA Glenn Research Center
ISRU Technology Development for Extraction of Water from the Mars Surface
Documents   zip file download  1.5 mb

Michael Johansen, NASA Kennedy Space Center
Electrostatic Precipitation for Cleaning Mars Atmospheric ISRU Intakes
Documents   zip file download  3.0 mb

Forrest Meyen, Draper
Solid Oxide Electrolysis Calibration and Characterization Plan for the Mars Plan for the Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE)
Documents   zip file download  41.7 mb

John Wilson, Air Squared, Inc.
Scroll Compressor for Mars Atmospheric Acquisition
Documents   zip file download  11.1 mb

Neal Sullivan, Colorado School of Mines
Production of Methane and Oxygen on Mars Using Proton-Conducting Ceramics
Documents   zip file download  6.9 mb

Robert Zubrin, Pioneer Astronautics
Demonstration of a Piloted Mars Mission Scale RWGS System
Documents   zip file download  22.1 mb

Paul van Susante, Michigan Technological University
Hard Rock Water Jet Mining, a Novel Method to Extract Water from Poly-Hydrated Sulphates on Mars
Documents   zip file download  36.8 mb

Kris Zacny, Honeybee Robotics
RedWater: Extraction of Water from Mars Ice Deposits
Documents   zip file download  116.7 mb

Technical Session 6 - Small Bodies Resources

Laszlo Kestay, United States Geological Survey
Successful Demonstration of the Feasibility of Applying the USGS Resource Assessment Methodology to Near-Earth Objects
Documents   zip file download  20.1 mb

Mike Jude, University of North Dakota
Risk Assessment of an Asteroid Mining Ventures Using Decision Modeling and Monte Carlo Simulation
Documents   zip file download  7.8 mb

Philip Metzger, University of Central Florida
Asteroid Regolith Model and Figure of Merit for Asteroid Simulants
Documents   zip file download  11.6 mb

Joel Sercel, TransAstra Corporation
Asteroid Mining Mission System Concept
Documents   zip file download  96.4 mb

Jay McMahon, University of Colorado at Boulder
Dismantling Rubble Pile Asteroids with Area-of-Effect Softbots (AoES)
Documents   zip file download  77.3 mb

Mihkel Pajusalu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Methane Production from Carbonaceous Chondrites Using Electromethanogenesis
Documents   zip file download  16.2 mb

Technical Session 7 - Moon Resources

Jim Keravala, OffWorld
Building Solar System Infrastructure with the OffWorld Industrial Robotic Workforce
Documents   zip file download  7.2 mb

Julien-Alexander Lamamy, ispace Europe, Luxembourg
Commercial Exploration of Lunar Resources with ispace and the Polar Ice Explorer Mission
Documents   zip file download  17.8 mb

Diego Urbina, Space Applications Services NV/SA, Belgium
ALCHEMIST - Lunar ISRU Demonstration Payload
Documents   zip file download  17.2 mb

Laszlo Kestay, United States Geological Survey
Applying the USGS Resource Assessment Methodology to the Moon: Three Very Different Cases
Documents   zip file download  10.2 mb

Warren Platts, Groundhog GeoScience, LLC
Strategic Knowledge Gaps I Have Known
Documents   zip file download  35.9 mb

Allison Zuniga, NASA Ames Research Center
Lunar COTS Concept: A Public/Private Partnerships Approach for Lunar Resource Prospecting, Extraction and Infrastructure Development
Documents   zip file download  30.3 mb

Bradley Cheetham, Advanced Space
The Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System (CAPS)
Documents   zip file download  3.1 mb

John Mankins, The Moon Village Association
Progress toward Earth's Moon, Ongoing Moon Village Association Efforts
Documents   zip file download  12.1 mb

Diego Urbina, Space Applications Services NV/SA, Belgium
Lunar Volatiles Mobile Instrumentation (LUVMI): Low-mass, Low-footprint, Payload and Robotic System for the Sampling of Volatiles at the Lunar Poles
Documents   zip file download  23.9 mb

N. Uyama, Shimizu Corporation, Japan
Lunar Soil Simulant in Japan 2018
Documents   zip file download  27.5 mb

Jamal Rostami, Colorado School of Mines
Challenges of Designing a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) for Development of Underground Structures on the Moon
Documents   zip file download  35.1 mb

Kris Zacny, Honeybee Robotics
TRIDENT: The Regolith and Ice Drill for Exploration of New Terrains
Documents   zip file download  50.2 mb

Christopher Dreyer, Colorado School of Mines
Ice Mining in Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions
Documents   zip file download  11.7 mb


George Sowers, Colorado School of Mines
Documents   zip file download  3.8 mb

Clive Neal, Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG)
State of Knowledge of Lunar Polar Ice and Volatiles
Documents   zip file download  4.8 mb

Clive Neal, Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG)
LEAG Lunar Exploration Roadmap
Documents   zip file download  29.1 mb

George Sowers, Colorado School of Mines
Lunar Ice Mining Strategic Knowledge Gaps
Documents   zip file download  7.0 mb

Christopher Dreyer, Colorado School of Mines
Summary of Prospecting Technologies
Documents   zip file download  22.1 mb

George Sowers, Colorado School of Mines
Team Introduction
Documents   zip file download  3.1 mb

LPPW 2018
Documents   zip file download  10.9 mb

Pictures of Technical Sessions

Photos of the event are shown below. To view a larger version of each picture, CLICK THE THUMBNAIL IMAGE.

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 1

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 2

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 3

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 4

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 5

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 6

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018
Technical Sessions 7

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 8

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018
Technical Sessions 9

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 10

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 11

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018
Technical Sessions 12

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018Technical Sessions 13

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 14

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018
Technical Sessions 15

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 16

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018
Technical Sessions 17

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 18

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018
Technical Sessions 19

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 20

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018
Technical Sessions 21

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 22

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018
Technical Sessions 23

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 24

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018
Technical Sessions 25

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 26

Presentations at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Technical Sessions 27

Pictures of Poster Session

Photos of the event are shown below. To view a larger version of each picture, CLICK THE THUMBNAIL IMAGE.


Poster Session 1

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Poster Session 2


Poster Session 3

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Poster Session 4


Poster Session 5

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Poster Session 6


Poster Session 7

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Poster Session 8


Poster Session 9

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Poster Session 10


Poster Session 11

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Poster Session 12

Pictures of SRR-PTMSS Banquet

Photos of the event are shown below. To view a larger version of each picture, CLICK THE THUMBNAIL IMAGE.


Banquet 1
Banquet at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Banquet 2


Banquet 3

Banquet 4


Banquet 5


Banquet 6


Banquet 7


Banquet 8


Banquet 9


Banquet 10

Pictures of Lunar Polar Prospecting Workshop

Photos of the event are shown below. To view a larger version of each picture, CLICK THE THUMBNAIL IMAGE.


Lunar Workshop 1

Lunar Workshop at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Lunar Workshop 2


Lunar Workshop 3

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Lunar Workshop 4


Lunar Workshop 5

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Lunar Workshop 6


Lunar Workshop 7

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Lunar Workshop 8


Lunar Workshop 9

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Lunar Workshop 10


Lunar Workshop 11

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Lunar Workshop 12


Lunar Workshop 13

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Lunar Workshop 14


Lunar Workshop 15

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Lunar Workshop 16


Lunar Workshop 17

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Lunar Workshop 18


Lunar Workshop 19

Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Lunar Workshop 20

Pictures of Lunar Workshop Reception at CSM Geology Museum

Photos of the event are shown below. To view a larger version of each picture, CLICK THE THUMBNAIL IMAGE.


Workshop Reception 1

Banquet at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Workshop Reception 2


Workshop Reception 3

Banquet at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Workshop Reception 4


Workshop Reception 5

Banquet at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Workshop Reception 6


Workshop Reception 7

Banquet at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Workshop Reception 8


Workshop Reception 9

Banquet at SRR-PTMSS 2018

Workshop Reception 10

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