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     White Papers




Space Resources Roundtable XX /
Planetary & Terrestrial Mining
Sciences Symposium

Proceedings of joint SRR XI / PTMS
The Space Resources Roundtable


The tenth joint meeting of the Space Resources Roundtable and the Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium in collaboration with the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) and sponsored by Advanced Space, Honeybee Robotics, Teledyne Brown Engineering, Lockheed Martin, and Deltion Innovations was held at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) in Golden, Colorado on June 11-14, 2019. This was the 20th anniversary of SRR (with a record attendance of 186 participants), which was first held in 1999 at CSM!

Abstracts and Presentations made available from the SRR conference may be viewed through the download links provided here.

Pictures of Technical and Poster Sessions, Wednesday Banquet, Thursday Reception, and Lab Tours are available below.

Report of Roundtable Discussions coming soon

The conference program may be downloaded from:

2019 SRR / PTMSS Final Program   pdf file download

Proceedings (Abstracts and Presentations)


Angel Abbud-Madrid, Colorado School of Mines
The Status of Space Resources, Future Opportunities, and Highlights of the 10th Joint SRR-PTMSS Meeting
Documents   zip file download  70.7 mb

Technical Session 1 - Setting the Scene

Dan Britt, University of Central Florida
Economics and Exploration: A Bit of Historical Perspective on our New Age of Exploration
Documents   zip file download  3.4 mb

Diane Linne, NASA GRC and Jerry Sanders, NASA JSC
Current NASA ISRU Strategic Vision
Documents   zip file download  11.7 mb

Mathias Link, Luxembourg Space Agency, Luxembourg
New Insights for Enabling In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU)
Documents   zip file download  2.0 mb

Carlos Espejel and Sophia Casanova, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Developing Standardized Terminology Reference Guidelines and Resource and Reserve Reporting Codes for the Space Resource Industry
Documents   zip file download  3.4 mb

Technical Session 2 - Economics, Business, Law, and Policy

Bruce Cahan, Urban Logic, Inc.
The Space Commodities Exchange: Financial Infrastructure to Grow a Sustainable Space Economy
Documents   zip file download  3.2 mb

George Lordos, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lifetime Embodied Energy: A New Value System for the ISRU Space Economy
Documents   zip file download  3.2 mb

Robert Shishko, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Business Case Analysis of Lunar Thermal Mining
Documents   zip file download  2.4 mb

Jason Aspiotis and Aiden O'Leary, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
A Preliminary Estimate of Future Potential U.S. Military Supply and Demand for In-Space Water-Based Fuel
Documents   zip file download  1.6 mb

Morgan Bazilian, Colorado School of Mines and Korey Christensen, Hogan Lovells
Policy and Legal Processes and Precedent for Space Mining
Documents   zip file download  4.1 mb

Wayne White, Spacebooster, LLC.
Mining Law for Outer Space - How Will It Work?
Documents   zip file download  226 kb

Technical Session 3 - Individual Poster Presentations (Short Talks)

Sophia Casanova, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Developing Resource Exploration Strategies for Lunar Polar Volatiles
Documents   zip file download  2.5 mb

Frida Vonstad, University College London, United Kingdom
Interdisciplinary Collaboration on Borehole Core Testing for Extraterrestrial Material
Documents   zip file download  1.4 mb

Nicholas Campbell, CENKI, University of Colorado
Sensitivity of Private Space Station Profitability to Market Demand and Use of Space Resources
Documents   zip file download  796 kb

Ross Centers, Colorado School of Mines
Power Beaming for Rovers in Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions
Documents   zip file download  26.1 mb

H. Kanamori, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan
Mechanical Property of Gravel Produced from Lunar Soil Simulant by Rapid Sintering Using Single-mode Microwave
Documents   zip file download  16.6 mb

Curtis Purrington, Colorado School of Mines
Cryogenic ISRU Robot Survival in Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions
Documents   zip file download  5.5 mb

Emmanuel Akita, The University of Oklahoma
Drilling Automation: Building an Advanced Robotic System for Directional Drilling
Documents   zip file download  13.9 mb

Gordon Wasilewski, Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
A New Water Extraction Method to Generate and Control Water Reservoir in Planetary Environments
Documents   zip file download  3.7 mb

Technical Session 4 - Space Manufacturing and Processing Technologies

Kevin Cannon, University of Central Florida
Strategic Regolith Processing on the Moon and Mars
Documents   zip file download  24.8 mb

Kyla Defore, Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems, Hawaii
Characterization of Hawaiian Basalt Aggregate and the Effects of Chemical Composition on Sinterability: Implications for Future Lunar/Mars ISRU Applications
Documents   zip file download  4.9 mb

Akbar Whizin, Southwest Research Institute
Additive Manufacturing and Resource Extraction Using Lunar Regolith
Documents   zip file download  114.0 mb

Hunter Williams, Colorado School of Mines
Simulant and Environment Requirements for ISRU Manufacturing Technology Development
Documents   zip file download  13.4 mb

James Bultitude, Orbit Fab, Inc.
Technology Development to Enable In-Situ Resource Derived Fuel Utilization and Transfer
Documents   zip file download  67 kb

Gary Calnan, Cislunar Industries S.A., Luxembourg
Cislunar Industries Space Foundry Lab Module: A Commercial Microgravity Metallurgical Research Service and Production Facility
Documents   zip file download  130.5 mb

Technical Session 5 - Mars Resources

Richard Davis, NASA Headquarters
Reconnaissance Needs for Future Human Exploration of Mars
Documents   zip file download  10.6 mb

Nathaniel Putzig, Planetary Science Institute
Report from the Mars Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (SWIM) Project
Documents   zip file download  8.8 mb

Paul Van Susante, Michigan Technological University
Poly-Hydrated Sulfate Mining and Water Extraction on Mars: Experimental Results and System Requirements
Documents   zip file download  65.1 mb

Karan Sah, Nathan Owen, Bertrand Wieliczko, and Derek Roesch
Moon to Mars Ice & Prospecting Challenge (MMIP): West Virginia University
Documents   zip file download  81.9 mb

Ismael Mercier
Moon to Mars Ice & Prospecting Challenge (MMIP): Carnegie Mellon University
Documents   zip file download  2.1 mb

Richard Davis, NASA Headquarters
Lessons Learned from the Moon to Mars Ice and Prospecting Challenge
Documents   zip file download  1.8 mb

Samuel Ximenes, Exploration Architecture Corp.
HexHab - 3D Printed Mars Habitat Construction and Outfitting Sequence Timeline
Documents   zip file download  69.1 mb

Jeff Greenblatt, Emerging Futures, LLC
K-Town: Portrait of a Thousand-Person Colony on Mars
Documents   zip file download  19.7 mb

Johan Vanneste, Colorado School of Mines
Membrane Bioreactors for In Situ Carbon Upcycling
Documents   zip file download  21.6 mb

Michael Hecht, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Haystack Observatory
MOXIE Delivered!
Documents   zip file download  17.0 mb

Juan Agui, NASA Glenn Research Center
A Scroll Filter System for In-Situ Resource Utilization CO2 Acquisition of the Martian Atmosphere
Documents   zip file download  9.3 mb

Jared Berg, NASA Glenn Research Center
Experimental Design and Preliminary Analysis of Mars CO2 Rapid Cycle Adsorption Pump
Documents   zip file download  6.5 mb

Stacy Carrera, Pioneer Astronautics
The Advanced Organic Waste Gasifier (AOWG)
Documents   zip file download  12.7 mb

Zehua Pan, Colorado School of Mines
Fuel Production on Mars with the Sabatier Electrolyzer
Documents   zip file download  5.9 mb

Jeff Greenblatt, Emerging Futures, LLC
Design and Modeling of an Electrochemical Device Producing Methane, Oxygen and Polyethylene from In-Situ Resources on Mars
Documents   zip file download  1.5 mb

Technical Session 6 - Providing Lunar Access and Surface Infrastructure

Stephen Bailey, Deep Space Systems
Deep Space Systems Commercial Lunar Payload Services Overview
Documents   zip file download  31.1 mb

Jon Morse, Orbit Beyond, Inc.
Overview of the OrbitBeyond Z-01 Lunar Lander Mission
Documents   zip file download  1.5 mb

David Murrow, Lockheed Martin
An Integrated Robotic and Human Approach to Lunar Exploration
Documents   zip file download  2.4 mb

Forrest Meyen, Draper Laboratory
Draper's Vision-Based Navigation Enhanced Lunar Lander & ISRU Opportunities
Documents   zip file download  2.9 mb

A.J. Gemer and Justin Cyrus, Lunar Outpost, Inc.
Commercial Lunar Surveying and Payload Mobility Services: The Lunar Outpost Mobile Autonomous Prospecting Platform (MAPP)
Documents   zip file download  20.0 mb

Robert Moses, NASA Langley Research Center
NASA Requirements Development for Lunar In-Situ Surface Construction of Infrastructure
Documents   zip file download  7.3 mb

Elizabeth Scott, Colorado School of Mines
Concepts for an In-Situ, Reusable Construction System for Lunar Landing and Launch Pads
Documents   zip file download  19.3 mb

James Mantovani, NASA Kennedy Space Center
Lunar Infrastructure for Landing and Launch Risk Mitigation
Documents   zip file download  26.5 mb

Technical Session 7 - Cislunar and Lunar Infrastructure

Robert Zubrin, Pioneer Astronautics
Moon Direct: A Cost-Effective Plan to Enable Lunar Exploration and Development
Documents   zip file download  495 kb

Brent Sherwood, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Robotic Lunar Surface Operations 2
Documents   zip file download  25.0 mb

Bradley Cheetham, Advanced Space
Developing Cislunar Enabling Infrastructure
Documents   zip file download  2.2 mb

Stanley Borowski, NASA Glenn Research Center (Retired)
Commercialization and Human Settlement of the Moon and Cislunar Space Enabled by ISRU, Fission Surface Power, and LANTR Propulsion Systems
Documents   zip file download  13.0 mb

Michael Hecht, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Haystack Observatory
Satellite Beamed Power for the Moon and Mars
Documents   zip file download  62.9 mb

Elliot Carol, Lunar Resources, Inc.
The Use of Lunar Resources for Energy Generation on the Moon
Documents   zip file download  1.8 mb

Technical Session 8 - Lunar Resources

Lazlo Kestay, U.S. Geological Survey Astrogeology Science Center
First Steps Toward a USGS Assessment of Lunar Regolith as a Resource
Documents   zip file download  30.7 mb

George Sowers, Colorado School of Mines
Proving Water Reserves on the Moon
Documents   zip file download  12.8 mb

Diane Linne, NASA Glenn Research Center
Oxygen Production System for Refueling Human Landing System Elements
Documents   zip file download  13.5 mb

Wenpeng Liu, Colorado School of Mines
Investigation of Properties of Icy Lunar Regolith in Cryogenic Temperature Environments on the Moon
Documents   zip file download  2.6 mb

Laurent Sibille, NASA Kennedy Space Center
State-of-the-Art of Molten Regolith Electrolysis: One-Step Oxygen and Metals Production Anywhere on the Moon
Documents   zip file download  12.4 mb

Tony Muscatello, NASA Kennedy Space Center
Architecture for a Farm in a Moon Village with In-Situ Materials for Infrastructure
Documents   zip file download  35.9 mb

Stephen Gillett
Silicon Alkoxides and Lunar Development
Documents   zip file download  633 kb

Technical Session 9 - Lunar Excavation and Drilling Technologies

Deep Joshi, Colorado School of Mines
Material Characterization While Drilling on Moon: Review of the Preliminary Atmospheric Test Results
Documents   zip file download  13.4 mb

Phillip Abel, NASA Glenn Research Center
APEX - An In-Situ Resource Utilization Excavation Research Tool
Documents   zip file download  22.5 mb

Margaret Proctor, NASA Glenn Research Center
Experimental Facility to Measure Power and Forces to Excavate Lunar Regolith Simulants
Documents   zip file download  3.7 mb

Karol Seweryn, Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Excavation of Planetary Regolith in Non-Easily Accessible Places Using Wireline Technology
Documents   zip file download  3.7 mb

Drew Smith, NASA Kennedy Space Center
RASSOR Excavator for ISRU Lunar Mining
Documents   zip file download  4.1 mb

Technical Session 10 - Resources on Small Bodies

Bruce Damer and Carlos Calva, Flowspace
SHEPHERD, a Gas-Filled Enclosure for Asteroid Handling and Resource Utilization
Documents   zip file download  13.7 mb

Donald Kuettel III, University of Colorado at Boulder
Overview of Area-of-Effect Softbot (AoES) Surface Operations on Rubble Pile Asteroids
Documents   zip file download  89.1 mb

Joel Sercel, TransAstra Corp.
Roadmap to The Solar System - TransAstra's Plans for Achieving Practical Asteroid ISRU through Incremental Technology Development
Documents   zip file download  212.0 mb

Chris Dreyer, Colorado School of Mines
The Optical Mining Testbed (OMTB): A Practical Large-Scale Laboratory Device for Rapidly Maturing the Technology of Asteroid ISRU
Documents   zip file download  141.4 mb

Vincent Vendiola, Honeybee Robotics
ISRU Explorations with WINE (The World Is Not Enough)
Documents   zip file download  13.7 mb

Technical Session 11 - Planetary Excavation, Drilling, and Extraction Technologies

Robert Mueller, NASA Kennedy Space Center
A Review of Extra-Terrestrial Regolith Excavation Concepts and Prototypes
Documents   zip file download  2.6 mb

Jason Schuler, NASA Kennedy Space Center
Consolidated Material Mining for ISRU
Documents   zip file download  6.7 mb

Vincent Vendiola, Honeybee Robotics
Subsystem Testing and Results of the Planetary Volatiles Extractor (PVEX)
Documents   zip file download  27.5 mb

Ralph Lorenz, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
Drilling and Pneumatic Transfer of Titan Surface Materials
Documents   zip file download  14.6 mb



Photos of the event are shown below. To view a larger version of each picture, CLICK THE THUMBNAIL IMAGE.

Photos of the various sessions and presenters are shown below. To view a larger version of each picture, CLICK THE THUMBNAIL IMAGE.

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 1

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 2

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 3

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 4

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 5

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 6

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 7

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 8

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 9

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 10

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 11

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 12

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019Technical Sessions 13

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 14

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 15

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 16

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 17

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 18

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 19

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 20

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 21

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 22

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 23

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 24

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 25

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 26

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 27

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 28

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 29

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 30

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 31

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 32

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 33

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 34

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 35

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 36

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 37

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Technical Sessions 38

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-PTMSS 2019
Technical Sessions 39


Photos of the event are shown below. To view a larger version of each picture, CLICK THE THUMBNAIL IMAGE.


Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 1

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 2


Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 3

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 4


Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 5

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 6


Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 7

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 8


Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 9

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 10


Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 11

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 12


Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 13

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 14


Lab Tours, Demos, and Poster Session 15


Photos of the event are shown below. To view a larger version of each picture, CLICK THE THUMBNAIL IMAGE.


Miners Lamp Award 1
Banquet & Reception at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Miners Lamp Award 2


Miners Lamp Award 3

Miners Lamp Award 4


Miners Lamp Award 5


Miners Lamp Award 6


Banquet 1


Banquet 2


Banquet 3


Banquet 4


Banquet 5


Banquet 6


Banquet 7


Reception 1


Reception 2


Reception 3


Reception 4


Photos of the event are shown below. To view a larger version of each picture, CLICK THE THUMBNAIL IMAGE.

Group Pictures at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Group Picture 1
Group Pictures at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Group Picture 2
Group Pictures at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Group Picture 3

Group Pictures at SRR-PTMSS 2019

Group Picture 4

ISRU Info : Home of the Space Resources Roundtable © 2010  The Space Resources Roundtable Inc.  
Hosted by Senomix Time Tracking Software