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Space Resources Roundtable XXIII

Proceedings of SRR XXIII
The Space Resources Roundtable


The twenty-third meeting of the Space Resources Roundtable in collaboration with the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) and sponsored by Lunar Outpost, Advanced Space, Honeybee Robotics, the European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC), Polimak, Karman+, Technogenia, NeuroSpace, and OuterSpace IP was held at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) in Golden, Colorado on June 6-9, 2023.

Started in 1999, this was the 23rd SRR conference, with a record attendance of 248 participants, 75 oral presentations, 32 posters, 2 keynote speakers, and 4 roundtable discussions. Topics included cislunar, lunar, Martian, and small bodies ISRU activities, as well as current and manifested space-resources related missions, the latest economic models, business initiatives, legal and policy contributions, international participation, and private sector involvement in this field.

Abstracts, Presentations, and Posters made available from the SRR conference may be viewed through the download links provided here.

Pictures of the conference activities are posted here.

The conference program may be downloaded from:

2023 SRR XXIII Final Program   pdf file download

Proceedings-Abstracts, Presentations, and Posters (listed by session and presenter)


Angel Abbud-Madrid, Colorado School of Mines
Welcome to the XXIII Space Resources Roundtable
Documents   zip file download  3.3 mb

Session 1 - National Plans & Priorities Panel

Gerald Sanders, NASA Johnson Space Center
Update on NASA ISRU Plans, Priorities, and Activities
Documents   zip file download  4.4 mb

Jodi Berdis, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium ISRU Focus Group
Documents   zip file download  7.9 mb

Bob Lamboray, Luxembourg Space Agency (LSA)
SpaceResources.Lu - Recent Developments
Documents   zip file download  1.3 mb

Jun Shimada, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
JAXA Concept of a Lunar ISRU Plant
Documents   zip file download  3.5 mb

Session 2 - Economic Considerations & Business Cases

Ben McKeown, University of New South Wales, Australia
Is There a Role for Royalties in a Lunar Resources Project?
Documents   zip file download  1.0 mb

Alice Miller and Nicholas Bennett, Helios and University of New South Wales
Enabling an Increase in Starship Payload Capacity to Low Earth Orbit Using Lunar Derived Liquid Oxygen (LULOX) as Entry Descent & Landing (EDL) LOX
Documents   zip file download  30.9 mb

Nicholas Bennett, University of New South Wales, Australia
Propellant and Capital Efficient Trans-Mars Injections Using Lunar Propellant, Transforming the SpaceX Mars Project
Documents   zip file download  11.9 mb

George Lordos, MIT
A General Model of ISRU Technology Valuation and Technology Portfolio Construction for Crewed Mars Missions
Documents   zip file download  7.1 mb

Matthew Rehberg, Colorado School of Mines
When the Price is Right: Stochastic Modeling of an Asteroid Mining Business Case
Documents   zip file download  2.7 mb

Lari Cujko, European Space Resources Innovation Centre, Luxembourg
ESRIC Commercialization: Start-up Support Programme
Documents   zip file download  10.5 mb

Session 3 - Resource Prospecting & Exploration

Laszlo Keszthelyi, U.S. Geological Survey, Astrogeology Science Center
A Simplified Classification Scheme for Lunar Resources and Reserves
Documents   zip file download  3.5 mb

Kevin Cannon, Colorado School of Mines
Ore Minerals, the Mineralogical Barrier, and the Elementome in Space
Documents   zip file download  20.9 mb

Abigail Calzada Diaz, European Space Resources Innovation Centre, Luxembourg
Genetic Geological Modelling for Lunar Resources: West Tranquillitatis Ilmenite Deposit
Documents   zip file download  9.8 mb

Nigel Spooner, University of Adelaide, Australia
Hyperfluorescence: A New Technique for Space Resource Assessment and Utilisation
Documents   zip file download  2.5 mb

Nathaniel Putzig, Planetary Science Institute
Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (SWIM) to Support the International Mars Ice Mapper (I-MIM) Mission
Documents   zip file download  14.8 mb

Session 4 - Flown & Manifested Space Missions

Michael Hecht, MIT Haystack Observatory
MOXIE: A Martian Year of ISRU on Mars
Documents   zip file download  11 mb

Thomas Gardner, Advanced Space
CAPSTONE: A Summary of a Highly Successful Mission Currently Operating in the Cislunar Environment
Documents   zip file download  7.3 mb

Jacqueline W. Quinn, NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC)
Polar Resources Ice Mining Experiment-1 (PRIME-1): NASA First Polar Drilling and Volatiles Detection Mission
Documents   zip file download  9.9 mb

Kimberly Ennico Smith, NASA Ames Research Center
VIPER Mission Traverse Planning: Design, Strategies, and Dynamics
Documents   zip file download  8.0 mb

Isabel King, Honeybee Robotics
Test Campaign to Baseline Flight Telemetry for the Trident Lunar Drill on PRIME-1 and VIPER Missions
Documents   zip file download  13.3 mb

Peter Visscher, Canadensys Aerospace Corp., Canada
The Canadian Lunar Rover Mission
Documents   zip file download  20.6 mb

Alejandro Levi, Maxar Space Robotics
SAMPLR Mission Progress Report
Documents   zip file download  5.8 mb

Matt Gialich, AstroForge
No Risk, No Reward - AstroForge and the First Commercial Deep-Space Mission
Documents   zip file download  7.3 mb


Peter Garretson, Senior Fellow, Defense Studies, American Foreign Policy Council
The Scramble for the Skies: Why Nations Care About Space Resources
Documents   zip file download  8.1 mb

Session 5 - Power

Robert Moses, Tamer Space, LLC
A Portable Scalable High Energy Density Source to Power Space Resources Utilization Missions and a Lunar Grid
Documents   zip file download  1.2 mb

Melissa Sampson, Lockheed Martin
Lunar Power Architectures for Lunar Exploration
Documents   zip file download  11.2 mb

Brian Elliott, TDA Research
Rechargeable Batteries with Improved Discharge Capacity at -40C to -60C for Surviving the Lunar Night
Documents   zip file download  1.8 mb

Session 6 - Mining & Robotics

Douglas Morrison, Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation (CEMI), Canada
Mining Technologies to Advance Lunar ISRU Objectives
Documents   zip file download  4.5 mb

Kyle Acierno, OffWorld
OffWorld Celestial and Terrestrial Swarm Robotic and ISRU System
Documents   zip file download  1.6 mb

Leo Stolov, Honeybee Robotics
Astronaut Lunar Drill (ALD) and Vacuum Sealable Container (VSC) for Artemis
Documents   zip file download  8.6 mb

Erin Rezich, NASA Glenn Research Center
Experimental Investigation of Bucket Excavation Force Reduction with an Ultrasonic Leading Edge
Documents   zip file download  3.7 mb

Andrew Welter, Venturi Astrolab
ISRU Pilot Plant Deployment with the Flexible Logistics & Exploration (FLEX) Rover
Documents   zip file download  9.7 mb

A.J. Gemer, Lunar Outpost
Lunar Outpost Oceania Leads Australia Moon to Mars Trailblazer Rover Lunar Mission
Documents   zip file download  12.4 mb

Ross Rickards, Lockheed Martin
The Lunar Mobility Vehicle as an Enabler for the Lunar Economy
Documents   zip file download  2.8 mb

Masataku Sutoh, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Remote Construction Experiment for Utilizing Water Resources on the Moon
Documents   zip file download  7.7 mb

Kaizad Raimalwala, Mission Control, Canada
Autonomy & Operations Capabilities for Lunar Missions: Highlights of an AI Lunar Surface Demonstration and the ESA-ESRIC Space Resources Challenge
Documents   zip file download  2.7 mb

Session 7 - Regolith & Granular Mechanics

Austin Langton, NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC)
Development of a Doppler Radar System to Determine Plume-Surface Interaction Ejecta Velocities
Documents   zip file download  5.9 mb

Xu Wang, University of Colorado, Boulder
Electron-Beam Lunar Dust Mitigation (ELDM) Technology
Documents   zip file download  6.4 mb

Seungsoo Park, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology
Photoelectric Current Density Measurement for Lunar Daytime Simulation: Guiding Large-Scale Experiment Design
Documents   zip file download  8.3 mb

Yue Yu, Imperial College London, England
Dielectrophoresis Affects Particle Motion in Electrostatic Travelling Waves: A Potential Application for Lunar Soil Beneficiation
Documents   zip file download  4.7 mb

Daoru Han, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Ground Testing of Electrostatic Transport of Lunar Regolith Simulants with Applications to Electrostatic Sieving
Documents   zip file download  5.1 mb

Curtis Purrington, Karman+
Dynamics and Granular Mechanics of Zero Gravity Excavation of C-Type Rubble Pile Asteroids
Documents   zip file download  4.3 mb

Robert Mueller, NASA Kennedy Space Center
NASA Kennedy Space Center Swamp Works 10th Anniversary: Innovative Research & Technology Development Summary
Documents   zip file download  1.3 mb

Zoheir Khademia, Outward Technologies
Development of Modeling Tools for Testing Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Lunar Regolith
Documents   zip file download  5.9 mb

Elijah Sierra, Michigan Technological University
Lunar Regolith Hopper Design and Testing Under Atmosphere and Vacuum Conditions
Documents   zip file download  8.9 mb

Ian Jehn, Colorado School of Mines
Overview of the ASCE ASD Space Engineering and Construction Technical Committee: Lunar Infrastructure Engineering, Design, Analysis, and Construction Guidelines: Lunar Structural Loads Subgroup
Documents   zip file download  3.4 mb


James Reuter, NASA Associate Administrator, Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD)
NASA Space Technology Update
Documents   zip file download  8.7 mb

Session 8 - Ices & Volatiles

Zachary Zody, United States Army Corps of Engineers
Dynamic and Resilient Operations in the Arctic: Cold Regions and Space Research Synergy
Documents   zip file download  13.1 mb

Jack Schultz, Honeybee Robotics
Subsurface Water Extraction from Extreme Environments
Documents   zip file download  10.4 mb

Paul van Susante, Michigan Technological University
Testing of a Rover-Mounted Instrumented Percussive Cone Penetrometer in Icy Layered Lunar Regolith Simulant
Documents   zip file download  19.3 mb

Sai Kiran Hota, Advanced Cooling Technologies Inc.
Demonstration of Lunar Ice Miner System Components
Documents   zip file download  13.0 mb

Timothy Krause, Universities Space Research Association
Sublimation Loss from Open-Gap Lunar Water Extraction
Documents   zip file download  1.8 mb

Beau Compton, NASA Glenn Research Center
Quantifying Gas Leak Rates through Regolith Feed Columns in Vacuum
Documents   zip file download  7.4 mb

George Johnson, Michigan Technological University
Thermal Measurements of Icy Lunar Regolith Simulant: Water Content Analysis Under Atmospheric Conditions
Documents   zip file download  10.5 mb

Joshua Rasera, Imperial College London, England
An Overview of SRU Research at Imperial College London
Documents   zip file download  3.5 mb

Session 9 - Resource Extraction & Processing I

Ivan Ermanoski, Arizona State University
The Mars Air Refinery
Documents   zip file download  6.3 mb

Parker Steen, MIT Haystack Observatory
MOXIE Commissioning and Laboratory Operations at the MIT Haystack Observatory
Documents   zip file download  1.5 mb

Joseph Hartvigsen, OxEon Energy
Scale Up and Coupling of the MOXIE Solid Oxide Electrolyzer for Mission-Scale Lunar and Martian Applications
Documents   zip file download  10.5 mb

David Dickson, Colorado School of Mines
Test-Demonstrated Advantages of Solid-Oxide Water Electrolysis for Scaled-Up Hydrogen Production on the Moon
Documents   zip file download  3.9 mb

Jordan Holquist, Paragon Space Development Corporation
Advancement of ISRU Technologies and Systems: Water Collection, Purification, and Electrolysis
Documents   zip file download  8.0 mb

Session 10 - Resource Extraction & Processing II

Dennis Harries, European Space Resources Innovation Centre, Luxembourg
Hydrogen Reduction of Ilmenite for the Production of Oxygen and Metals from Lunar Regolith: Current Research at ESRIC
Documents   zip file download  4.4 mb

Aaron Paz, NASA Johnson Space Center
Carbothermal Reduction Demonstration: Laser Driven Reaction in a Thermal-Vacuum Environment and Project Status
Documents   zip file download  5.1 mb

Michael Nord, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Exploring the Challenges of Molten Regolith Electrolysis and Oxygen Production on the Lunar Surface
Documents   zip file download  6.1 mb

Kevin Grossman, NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC)
GALORE (Gaseous Lunar Oxygen from Regolith Electrolysis): Successful Demonstration of a Cold-Walled Molten Regolith Electrolysis Reactor Design in a Vacuum Environment
Documents   zip file download  14.0 mb

Peter Corwin, Colorado School of Mines
ISRU Iron Alloys: Properties and Testing on Iron Produced by Hydrogen Reduction of Lunar Regolith Simulant
Documents   zip file download  3.9 mb

Joe Pawelski, CisLunar Industries
World First Demonstration of Continuous Metal Casting in Microgravity for ISAM and SM&L
Documents   zip file download  16.9 mb

Kyla Edison, Colorado School of Mines
Casting & Annealing Experiments of Lunar Mare & Anorthosite Regolith Simulants
Documents   zip file download  9.6 mb

Session 11 - Space Manufacturing & Construction

Richard T. Wainner, Physical Sciences, Inc.
Efficient Truss Structures from Regolith Glass
Documents   zip file download  5.1 mb

John Suh, New Horizons Studio, Hyundai Motor Group R&D Division
Armstrong UMV Concept for Lunar Surface Construction
Documents   zip file download  12.2 mb

Laurent Sibille, Engineering & Research Consulting, NASA KSC
Vacuum Sintering of Highland Simulant CSM-LHT-1G
Documents   zip file download  12.7 mb

Young-Jae Kim, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology
Sintering of Lunar Regolith Simulant in Vacuum by Microwave Sintering for ISRU Construction
Documents   zip file download  11.4 mb

John Culton, University of Adelaide, Australia
Laser Processing for Lunar Base Construction: Implications of Experimental Trials
Documents   zip file download  26.7 mb

Alan Carter, Outward Technologies
Solar Additive Manufacturing with Lunar Regolith
Documents   zip file download  3.5 mb

Alexander Schepelmann, NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC)
Parametric Mechanism Design through Numerical Optimization and Physics Simulation
Documents   zip file download  6.0 mb

Evan Bell, NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC)
Development of the Advanced Regolith Ground Operations (ARGO) Test Bed: A Robotic Excavation and Construction Test Facility with Simulated Lunar Environments
Documents   zip file download  14.6 mb

Session 12 - Resources & Human Exploration

James Clawson, Stellar Solutions, Inc., NASA Headquarters
NASA Habitation Development Status: Current Concepts and ISRU Opportunities
Documents   zip file download  9.1 mb

Garrett Roberts Kingman, NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)
Engineered Bioremediation of Water Obtained from In Situ Resource Utilization
Documents   zip file download  1.7 mb


Martin Meinshausen
Practical Aspects of Terrestrial Mining for Use in Extraterrestrial ISRU Concepts
Documents   zip file download  1.0 mb

Ben Bussey, Intuitive Machines
Intuitive Machines: Commercially Enabling International Lunar Scientific Exploration
Documents   zip file download  21.7 mb

Jeffrey Cleveland, Colorado School of Mines
Orbital Debris and the Tragedy of the Commons: An Economic Framework to Address the Free Rider Problem
Documents   zip file download  2.0 mb

David Butler, SLB
New Value in Old Geoscience Data
Documents   zip file download  6.8 mb

Beau Compton, NASA Glenn Research Center
Introduction to a Bosch Process Architecture for ISRU and Terrestrial Applications
Documents   zip file download  2.1 mb

Ben Thrift, Colorado School of Mines
Poke the Moon
Documents   zip file download  1.2 mb

Kenneth Liang, Orbital Mining Corporation
Evaluation of Commercial High-Power DC-DC Converters for Lunar & Space Environment
Documents   zip file download  1.6 mb

Kevin Fernandez-Cosials, Texas A&M University
Thermal Analysis of a Heat Pipe Nuclear Reactor for Space Applications using CFD
Documents   zip file download  1.7 mb

Muhammad Ishaq, Colorado School of Mines
The Impact of Abrasion Resistant Materials on Performance and Tool Life of Lunar Surface Exploration and Mining Units: An Experimental Study
Documents   zip file download  11.1 mb

Parker Bradshaw, Michigan Technological University
Efficacy and Wear of a Bucket Ladder for ISRU Regolith Excavation in Vacuum
Documents   zip file download  3.7 mb

Ian Jehn, Colorado School of Mines
Lunar Alloy Metal Production Plant (LAMPP) - NASA 2023 Big Idea Challenge
Documents   zip file download  15.7 mb

Daoru Han, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Lunar In-Situ Aluminum Production via Molten Salt Electrolysis (LISAP-MSE)
Documents   zip file download  1.0 mb

David Purcell, Colorado School of Mines
Testing and Application of Regolith Parts Made by Additive Manufacturing Technologies
Documents   zip file download  1.3 mb

Saanjali Maharaj, University of Toronto, Canada
Project KHEPRI: Feasibility Study of Mining Asteroid Bennu
Documents   zip file download  3.2 mb

Timofey Broslav, Colorado School of Mines
Optical Mining at Mines: Precursory Results
Documents   zip file download  1.2 mb

Nerma Caluk, Florida International University
Brick by Brick: Study of Modular Block Construction for Lunar Habitats
Documents   zip file download  2.0 mb

Joshua Menges, Colorado School of Mines
Ejecta Assessment for Optimizing Natural Landing Pad Selection
Documents   zip file download  1.5 mb

Austin G. Langton, NASA Kennedy Space Center
Regolith Simulant Preparation and Geotechnical Characterization for Plume Surface Interaction Testing
Documents   zip file download  1.0 mb

Jonathan Slavik, Astrobotic Technology
Lunar Site Preparation via Rocket Terrain Autonomous Multi-Pulse Preparation (TAMP) Regolith Compaction
Documents   zip file download  1.0 mb

Christopher Dreyer, Colorado School of Mines
Lunar Landing Pad Site Preparation
Documents   zip file download  2.9 mb

Chuck Carey, Michigan Technological University
Low Mass Method for Lunar Regolith Surface Compaction
Documents   zip file download  1.4 mb

Koorosh Araghi, NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC)
Lunar Development & Test Facility, JSC B351
Documents   zip file download  1.0 mb

Lennart Fox, Neurospace GmbH, Germany
A Standardized Mobile Platform for Lunar ISRU Activities
Documents   zip file download  1.3 mb

Daniel Britt, University of Central Florida
RIDER and SPIDR: Open-Access Complementary Facilities for Planetary Terramechanics Investigations
Documents   zip file download  2.0 mb

Daniel Johnson, Colorado School of Mines
Pressure Fused Granular Icy Lunar Regolith Simulant Demonstration
Documents   zip file download  1.0 mb

Aaron Paz, NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC)
Light Water Analysis and Volatile Extraction (Light WAVE)
Documents   zip file download  6.1 mb

Jacob Collins, NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC)
Lunar Water Extraction Via Lunar Auger Dryer ISRU (LADI)
Documents   zip file download  6.4 mb

Suleyman Salihler, Polimak
Regolith Handling Solutions by Polimak
Documents   zip file download  1.0 mb

Aaron Olson, NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC)
Vertical Lunar Regolith Conveying as a Flight Experiment in Simulated Lunar-Gravity
Documents   zip file download  1.0 mb

Elijah Sierra, Michigan Technological University
Three General Lunar Regolith Conveyance Systems in Atmosphere & Vacuum Conditions
Documents   zip file download  1.9 mb

Mateo Rejon Lopez, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Modular Regolith Transport Solution for the Moon
Documents   zip file download  1.1 mb

Patrick Harkness, University of Glasgow, Scotland
The Pulse-Elevator: Simple Any-Directional Transport of Granular Materials
Documents   zip file download  3.3 mb


Photos of the various conference sessions and activities are shown below. To view a larger version of each picture, CLICK THE THUMBNAIL IMAGE.

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Welcome to SRR XXIII!

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Opening remarks

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Group Picture 1

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Group Picture 2

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Session image 1

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Session image 2

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII
Session image 3

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Lunch at Periodic Table

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII
Hall conversation

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Keynote Speaker 1: Peter Garretson

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Session image 4

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXII
Keynote Speaker 2: James Reuter

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIIIBanquet Hall

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Banquet image 1

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Banquet image 2

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Session image 5

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Session image 6

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Session image 7

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Session image 8

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Poster Session 1

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Poster Session 2

Presentations & Roundtables at SRR-XXIII

Thanks to our Sponsors!

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Hosted by Senomix Time Tracking Software