ISRU Info : Home of the Space Resources Roundtable Research     White Papers     Conference    



        1999 - SRR I
        2000 - SRR II
        2001 - SRR III
        2002 - SRR IV
        2003 - SRR V
        2004 - SRR VI
        2005 - SRR VII
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        2016-SRR XVII/




        2022- SRR XXII
        2023- SRR XXIII
        2024- SRR XXIV


     White Papers




Space Resources Roundtable V

The Fifth Space Resources Roundtable was held at the Colorado School of Mines in 2003.

Papers discussed during that conference may be viewed through the download links provided here.



B. Blair, J. Diaz, M. Duke
Economic Analysis of Lunar Resource Utilization Architecture
Documents   zip file download  9.5 mb

B. Blair, P. Van Susante
Economic Rationale for Lunar Exploration
Documents   zip file download  8.3 mb

L. Gertsch
What Is Needed to Be Able to Mine Lunar and Martian Resources?
Documents   zip file download  8.7 mb

L. Johnson, R. King, M. Duke, K. Nock
Conceptual Design of ISRU Propellant Storage Depots
Documents   zip file download  .7 mb

J. Mankins
Transformational Systems Concepts and Technologies for our Future in Space
Documents   zip file download  27.0 mb

J.J. Moore, M. Castillo, J. Guigne, H.C. Yi
In-Space Fabrication and Repair Using Combustion Synthesis (SHS)
Documents   zip file download  18.8 mb

T. Muff, R.H. King, M. Duke
Preliminary Analysis of a Small Robot for Martian Regolith Excavation
Documents   zip file download  .2 mb

M. Nall, J. Casas
Enabling Sustainable Exploration Through the Commercial Development of Space
Documents   zip file download  4.5 mb

C. Reynerson
Designing for Human Space Exploration: Space Hotels to Interplanetery Space Vehicles
Documents   zip file download  .9 mb

G. Rodriguez
Power Architectures for Lunar Resource Development
Documents   zip file download  .1 mb

J. Sanders
Development of a Surface Exploration Infrastructure Based on Common Technologies & ISRU Consumables
Documents   zip file download  3.2 mb

J. Taylor
Martian Resource Potential in Light of Recent Data
Documents   zip file download  12.2 mb

R.M. Westfall, D.J. O'Donnell, G. Rodriguez
Telepossession of Extraterrestrial Resources and Leveraged Financing of Outer Space Projects
Documents   zip file download  1 mb

R. Westfall, W. Jenkins
Beneficiation of Asteroidal Materials in Space
Documents   zip file download  .6 mb

W. White
Space Exploration and Development: Challenges and Opportunities in International Law
Documents   zip file download  .1 mb

ISRU Info : Home of the Space Resources Roundtable © 2010  The Space Resources Roundtable Inc.  
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